Mission Kakatiya


Tanks have been the life line of Telangana owing to the state's geographical positioning. The people of the state are highly dependent on the tanks which are spread across all the 10 districts. The topography and rainfall pattern in Telangana have made tank irrigation an ideal type of irrigation by storing and regulating water flow for agricultural use.

Construction of tanks in Telangana has been an age old activity since pre Satavahana era. During the Kakatiya era, the construction of tanks was carried out with utmost technical expertise. Tanks such as Ramappa, Pakhala, Laknavaram, Ghanapuram, Bayyaram which were built by Kakatiyas resemble seas and they greatly helped agriculture and overall development and prosperity of the Kakatiya kingdom.

This vision and legacy of Kakatiyas were carried forward by Qutubshahis and Asafjahis who ruled this region for centuries. Hundreds of big and small tanks were built in Telangana region during their rule. Government desires to uphold the vision of Kakatiyas which envisages revival and restoration of Minor Irrigation Sources in Telangana State.

Tank irrigation has huge bearing on generation of rural employment, poverty reduction and agricultural growth. The sheer size of command area under tank irrigation makes it a large center of agricultural production and provides a critical opportunity for commercial agriculture through market linkages.


Infact, the A.P. irrigation policy, at the instance of Andhra leadership coming from Coastal Andhra, has given rise to uneven development. It emphasized on the major irrigation, whereas the alluvial plains irrigated by the tanks have remained largely insignificant. This irrigation policy resulted in the destruction of age-old water conservation systems with chains of tank networks. The successive Governments successfully ignored the maintenance and development of tanks and allowed them to face extinction by way of siltation, breaches, encroachments etc. With the extinction of tank system, the self-sufficient villages of Telangana have become drought prone areas.

Today the drought is manifested in every facet of human life and it is particularly so with the rural poor. The exodus of people from rural areas of Telangana to Hyderabad and other far off places has made their lives vulnerable. This has also proliferated the squatter settlements and slums in the urban areas. The Krishna, Godavari, Musi and Manjira rivers traverse through the semi-arid lands of Telangana districts especially Nizamabad, Karimnagar, Medak, Ranga Reddy, Nalgonda and Mahabubnagar. But large quantities of water from these rivers are diverted to subsist the industrial, drinking and other needs of Hyderabad and irrigation needs of Andhra. Otherwise, these rivers would have sufficed and satiated the water needs of these districts. Irrigation policies of A.P. exposed the true colours of regional bias and machinations to promote their interests.

This continuous and policy based discrimination in Irrigation Sector turned Telangana Region into a graveyard of farmers and land of migration. Self-sustained villages of Telangana have become drought prone villages. 80 % farmer suicides that occurred in AP state were from Telangana region and millions of people from 10 Telangana districts migrated to far off places like Mumbai, Bhivandi, Surat, Ahmedabad and Gulf countries as laborers in search of livelihood. 16 lakh population from Mahaboobnagar district alone migrated to far off places. Hence, exploitation of water resources has been one of the major concerns of Telangana movement and people strongly felt that creation of a new state of Telangana, that is, state power alone would fetch them water.

Realizing the importance of reclamation of tanks for growth in the state, the Government of Telangana State has taken up the programme of restoring the minor irrigation sources under the title €œMission Kakatiya€ (Mana Ooru €“ Mana Cheruvu). The mission aims at retrieving the lost glory of minor irrigation in the state with community participation for ensuring sustainable water security.

In July 2014 Irrigation Department, Govt of Telangana has carried out for the first time, the census of Minor Irrigation sources in Telangana, which include M.I tanks constructed and maintained by Irrigation Dept., M.I Tanks constructed by Panchayat Raj Dept. and later transferred to Irrigation Dept., Percolation Tanks, Forest Tanks, Private Kuntas, Anicuts and Check dams. As per the enumeration, the total number of tanks is found to be around 46,531. The irrigation department has planned to restore all the 46,531 minor irrigation sources in the state in next five years, taking up 20% of the tanks each year.


The objective of Mission Kakatiya is to enhance the development of agriculture based income for small and marginal farmers, by accelerating the development of minor irrigation infrastructure, strengthening community based irrigation management and adopting a comprehensive programme for restoration of tanks.

The Government has prioritized to take the restoration of minor irrigation tanks to restore them to store their original capacity and to effectively utilize 255 TMC of water allocated for Minor irrigation sector under Godavari & Krishna River basins.
  • The minimum ayacut that can be irrigated with the above allocated water is about 20 lakh acres.
  • But as per the statistics the ayacut now being irrigated is only about 9 to 10 lakh acres under Minor Irrigation tanks. Thus, there is a gap ayacut of about 10 lakh acres.
  • The reasons for this gap ayacut under Minor Irrigation tanks are due to.
    • 1) Loss of water storage capacity of tanks due to accumulation of silt in tank beds over a long period.
    • 2) Due to dilapidated sluices, weirs and weak bunds
    • 3) De to defunct of feeder channels.
    • 4) Due to dilapidated condition of Irrigation canals.
A reconciliation survey was conducted to identify the exact number of all types of Minor irrigation sources in Telangana State. As persurvey 46,531 No of M.I, Small tanks, Percolation tanks, Private Kuntas and Small tanks (constructed by Forest Department) were identified for restoration.

The massive programme for Restoration of tanks is named as “ChinnaNeetiVanarulaPunaruddarana” and it is renamed as “Mission Kakatiya”.

The Govt is planned to restore 9,306 Tanks every year (20% of total tanks) with an eventual target of restoring all 46,531 tanks in 5 years, in a phased manner

The present programme of “MISSION KAKATIYA” is to bring this gap ayauct of 10 lakh acres in to command which requires no further allocation of water and also land acquisition.
This gap ayacut of 10 lakh acres under Minor Irrigation tanks can be brought to Irrigation.
  • 1) By de-silting the tank beds to restore original water storage capacity of tanks.
  • 2) By repairing dilapidated sluices, weirs etc.,
  • 3) By strengthening the tank bunds to its original standards.
  • 4) By repairing the feeder channels to standards for getting water freely into tanks.( Part of chain of tanks)
  • 5) By re-sectioning of irrigation channelsto standards & Repairs to CM & CD works for smooth distribution of water to fields according to their requirement.
  1. 1) The District Minister/ local MLA/MLC/Public representatives will be approached to identify priority order for restoration of local tanks.
  2. 2) Mandal Assistant Executive Engineer will submit the list of tanks under his Jurisdiction (along with their ayacut) to concerned officials / public representatives.
  3. 3) Identify tanks for which repair works have already been taken up under programme like CBTMP, RRR & Normal State Plan, along with type of the repairs taken up.
  4. 4) Preference will be given to tanks which have greater ayacut and good source of water.
  5. 5) Tanks which have not been covered under any programme will be given priority.
  6. 6) The chain of tanks in Mandal will be identified in the 1stphase. Repairs/ Re-sectioning of Feeder channel and Silt removal in the tanks will be taken up as priority basis.
  7. 7) One urban tank at constituency Head Quarters will be taken up and developed as Mini Tank Bund.

Advantages of Silt removal& Silt Application
  1. a) The water retention capacity of the soil will increase thereby decreasing the number of wettings.
  2. b) De-silting will improve ground water recharging capacity and increase the capacity of the tank there by increasing the availability of water even during the summer for irrigation & drinking water purposes.
  3. c) As per studies conducted, it is observed that due to de-silting the fluoride content in the ground water will be reduced considerably.
  4. d) Silt can be used as nutrient / fertilizer to the plant which generally reduces the usage of fertilizer.
  5. e) The yield of the crops like cotton and chillies is increased by 20 to 30%.

It is programmed to publicize the importance of Chinna Neeti Vanarula Punaruddharana in the public through wide publicity to make them aware and participate in the massive programme designed by the Government. There is a necessity to motivate and encourage the end users for their participation explaining the Benefits of the tank to the public by various type of media. The respective departments are addressed accordingly to publicize the benefits of the programme and importance of people’s participation.


To handle the massive programme Mission Kakatiya the M.I. Sector is reorganized and Strengthened with following Administrative structure.
  • 1) Two Chief Engineers – one for Minor Irrigation (Godavari Basin) and Minor Irrigation( Krishna Basin)
  • 2) Nodal Officers of Chief Engineer Rank to supervise the progress works are appointed for each district.
  • 3) One Superintending Engineer is allotted at District Level.
  • 4) One Executive Engineer is allotted for each revenue division.
  • 5) One Deputy Executive Engineer for Each Constituency.
  • 6) One Assistant Executive Engineer for Each Mandal.
At present there are 556 No of AEEs/AEs, 127 No of Dy.EEs 44 No of EEs & 10 No of SEs are working under Minor Irrigation Sector looking after Mission Kakatiya.

In addition to present organization setup 115 Nos. of Retired Dy.EEs / AEEs / AEs / TOs are engaged on contract basis in the field for effective functioning of Mission Kakatiya works for attaining better results as scheduled.

The works shall be sanctioned only after inspection of concerned officer as per the norms given below issued vide G.O.Ms.No.44 Dt.13.03.2015.

Task Powers delegated to Value in Rs. Lakhs
Iinspection before technical sanction Executive Engineer up to 100
Superintending Engineer 100-500
Chief Engineer Above 500
Technical Sanction and Tender Approval Executive Engineer 50
Superintending Engineer 50 to 100
Technical Sanction Chief Engineer Above 100 & up to AA accorded
Tenders Approval Chief Engineer 100 to 400
Commissioner of Tenders Above 400

The schedule of tender process
Sl.No. Process Earlier Present
1 Calling of Tenders 14 Days 7 Days
2 Acceptance of Tenders 90 Days 7 Days
3 Concluding Agreements 14Days 5 Days
4 Additional security Deposit < 25 % < 10 %


So far 8281 nos. of estimates were submitted to Government for Administrative Sanctions against which, the Government have accorded Administrative Approval for 8085 nos. of works costing Rs.2572.16 Cr under Mission Kakatiya.

As a part of MissionKakatiya 1621 No of works costing Rs. 379.21 Crores are funded by NABARD.

Government of India has agreed to sanction Restoration of tanks under RRR Phase –III. As apart 335 DPRs submitted to CWC after STAC meeting costing Rs. 310.00 Crores and will be started soon.

The balance works are proposed to be taken up with State Plan & World Bank funding.

The budget provision for the year 2014-15 is Rs.2016 crores( MI Rs.1671 crores + IDC Rs.345 crores) and 2015-16 is Rs.2083.13 crores ( MI Rs.1783.13 crores + IDC Rs.300 crores) under Minor irrigation including IDC. 


In order to ensure inter departmental coordination at the District level, the Government have constituted the District Level Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Committee for Mission Kakatiya. The composition of the Committee is as follows:

District Collector : Chairman
Joint Collector : Member
Conservator of Forest/Divisional Forest Officer (Social Forestry) : Member
Superintending Engineer (MI) : Member-convener
Chief Executive Officer, ZillaParishad : Member
Joint Director of Agriculture : Member
Sub-Collectors/Revenue Divisional Officers in the district : Member
Project Director, DWAMA : Member
Executive Officer, BC Co-operative Society : Member
Assistant Director, Fisheries : Member
District Panchayat Officer : Member
District Public Relations Officer : Member
Deputy Director, Ground water : Member
Chief Planning Officer : Member

District level committee shall meet once in a week during the working season and once in a month during the rest of the year. The tank wise progress of implementation of the works should be reviewed, any problems encountered with, if any, in implementation of the programme be discussed and resolved. Minutes of the meeting will be communicated to the officers concerned.

Irrigation & CAD department
The Irrigation & CAD department is the chief implementing department. The works will be executed through the Superintending Engineer and the Executive Engineer of the concerned areas, supported by the field engineers i.e., Dy. Executive Engineers and the Assistant Executive Engineers, under overall supervision of the Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation. The engineers at all the levels will have to be in constant touch with the officials of the line departments to have better coordination.

Agriculture Department
The tasks that are to be carried out by the Agriculture department are : In all tanks, samples of the silt should be collected to test its suitability for application in agriculture fields and wide publicity should be given to utilize tank bed silt by farmers. b) The farmers should be motivated by the department on the following;
  • 1) Efficient use of available water through change in irrigation system and improved water management techniques.
  • 2) Increase in productivity of farms through suitable cropping pattern and increased cropping intensity.
  • 3) Balanced use of chemical fertilizers and judicious use of plant protection chemicals.
  • 4) Reduction of cultivation cost through introduction of improved implements and equipment.
  • 5) Introduction of high-tech agriculture to increase the farm returns.
Rural Development Department
The department should converge various other programmes being implemented, with the Mission Kakatiya and coordinate with other line departments whenever and wherever necessary.

Forest Department
The tasks that are to be carried out by the Forest department are
  • • Effective utilization of tank foreshore areas in selected locations through afforestation.
  • • Nursery raising and plantation wherever necessary.
  • • Training for maintenance and cultural operations. IV)Planting Silver Oak and Toddy ( Eetha ) trees around the tank boundaries. These activities, apart from reducing silt inflow into the tank, are also expected to create an additional, sustainable income source for the tank community.
Fisheries Department
The department should take up the following activities which will result in increase in aquaculture.
  • (i) Upgrading production practices through improved stocking.
  • (ii) use of Improved feeding, management and harvesting techniques.
  • (iii) Intensive fish and prawn cultivation.
Revenue Department
The Revenue Department officials will have to coordinate with the field Engineers in
  • • Identifying the Shikam lands.
  • • Determining/demarking the FTL of tank.
  • • Identifying the government waste lands for dumping the unproductive soil.
  • • Cooperating between Revenue and Irrigation depts for removing illegal constructions in tank bed .
Ground Water Department
The ground water department should regularly
  • • Monitor the groundwater levels and quality of groundwater.
  • • Supply list of over exploited villages to the district Superintending Engineers/Executive Engineers.
Information and Public Relations Department
i)Create awareness on the benefits of restoration of the tanks by using different types of media and organizing IEC activities like street plays, kalajathas, wall writings, pamphlets and involving rural folklore like Chindu, Voggukathalu etc.,
ii) Motivate the farmers to utilize the useful silt excavated out of the tanks in their agriculture fields at their cost, by explaining the benefits that come out of it.
iii) Organize essay and elocution competitions for the students on the topic "tanks and their restoration", in coordination with the education department, at school, mandal and district levels and award prizes to the winners to encourage them in motivating their parents.
iv) Involve NCC, NSS, Guides and Scouts and Nehru YuvakKendras etc., in propagating the benefits of the programme.
v.) Involve Public Representatives and SHGs in the programme.


A website is under development to tackle the massive programme Mission kakatiya to track the progress of works online and proposed to effect the payments duly linking the Bill Monitoring System with this website. The web site is under finalization and developed by the e governance wing of the Irrigation Department. 

In the recent past the restoration and maintenance works of Minor Irrigation tanks were being taken up only for Bund, Weir, Sluice, Irrigation Channels etc. 

De-siltation of tanks are taken up to bring them to the original capacity of tanks. Now it is proposed for Silt Removal/ Silt Application as one of the component in the restoration of the Tanks. The silt so removed is proposed to use as manure for the fields with the participation of farmers by transporting and spreading in the fields with their cost. 

On account of de-siltation of the tanks the following are the advantages which may benefit the farmers.
  • 1. The water retention capacity of the soil will increase there by decreasing the number of wettings.
  • 2. De-silting can improve ground water recharge and drinking water facility to cattle in the summer.
  • 3. Due to de-silting, it is observed that the fluoride content in the ground water is reduced considerably as per studies conducted.
  • 4. Silt can be used as nutrient / fertilizer to the plant which generally reduces the usage of fertilizer.
  • 5. The yield of the crop is increased by 20 to 30 % for cotton and chillies.
  • 6. There is a scope for getting carbon credits in the international market.

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